+43 5287 87481
Experience Tirolerhof.

Wellness at Tirolerhof

Your little ‘Spa-radise’

Pool, Fitness, Rooftop-Spa

Wellness at Tirolerhof

We have a problem. A big one. Well, a length-y one.

Our marketing agency told us that we’re not allowed to write a wall of text because nobody wants to read that. We get it. But we’re also going to ignore that advice. Why? Because so many cool things are coming. Right now. At this moment. Even as we speak. And to get that across takes a bit of space. To report on it, and to rejoice in it. For those who like sweating the details and looking for the implications between the lines, let’s get to it. As briefly as possible. We promise.


We haven’t visited out competitors with measuring tapes, but we’re pretty sure it’s the longest one in the Tux Valley.

It really couldn’t be any other way, given the emphasis that our hotel puts on sport & active lifestyles. So we decided to build a pool of this size, heated year round, with space not just for splashing around and dipping your feet in, but capable of accommodating real athletic training, the kind that does the heart and soul good.

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